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The 2-volume set LNCS 11613 and 11614 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, AVR 2019, held in Santa Maria al Bagno, Italy, in June 2019.
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This book can be used for introductory undergraduate computer graphics courses over one to two semesters.
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This book firstly sketches the construction accidents on sites, followed by a review on safety measures in some of the developing countries such as Bermuda, Egypt, Kuwait and China; as well as developed countries, for example, the United ...
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This guided journal contains 101 pages of of thought provoking and detail driven prompts .
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, AVR 2021, held in Italy, in September 2021.
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A rich and idle man confronts his dead mistress's husband in this psychological novel of duality. Powerful and accessible, it offers a captivating and revealing exploration of love, guilt, and hatred.
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Perfect for any maker, educator, or community, this book shows you how to organize your environment to provide a safe and fun workflow, and demonstrates how you can use that space to educate others.
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This book constitutes the thoroughly revised papers of the First International Conference on Augmented and Virtual Reality, AVR 2014, held in Lecce, Italy, in September 2014.
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From Dragon Quest to Final Fantasy, from Megami Tensei to Pokémon, A Guide to Japanese Role-Playing Games explores the expansive history of Japanese role-playing games (JRPGs), beginning on 8-bit microcomputers, and following them all the ...