Ive got the issue with a TS-221 as a remote managed system from an TS-EC1079. The agent installs remotely but will not successfull add.
Apr 8, 2019 · The serial port give me QByteArray that contains some messages, when I receive a new package I emit a signal from the class MySerialPort (I ...
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The Quantum Q-Server is the central core for complete and secure control over your entire IoT Platform.
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Mar 18, 2024 · Hi! I've been stalking multiple threads about upgrades of home servers lately. But rather than hijacking someone else's thread I post my own.
Oct 3, 2022 · Hello! Does the game server instance (a particular game session) use some sort of geolocation? I live in a country where geolocation and ...
Apr 29, 2008 · Hi , could anyone explain how can people host kalonline server? Do they have computer without a lot of files in it (clean) or do they have ...
Build once and use on any other Q-Server. The Quantum platform enables you to easily share your apps and firmware with the maker community and your friends.
May 30, 2017 · Tried logging in at 8:14am EST and I'm in a que. This has got to be an issue with the East Coast servers still, there is no way this is normal ...
Dec 11, 2007 · Can I run a server on a present computer?(ie. the same comp i'm on) Very small to share local music with some hippy musicians I know ,,all ...