People also ask
Why does Google want my ID to verify my age?
Some content and services are subject to age verification. To access age-restricted content or services, we may ask to confirm your age with a valid government ID, or a valid credit card. If you attempt to access age-restricted content or features, and you're asked to verify your age, select Verify. Select Use your ID.
What happens if you don't verify your age on Google?
If you choose not to set up supervision or verify you're old enough to manage your account within 14 days, your account will be disabled and your account information will be deleted after 30 days.
Why does Google need to verify my account with ID?
To help protect you from abuse, we sometimes ask you to prove you're not a robot before you can create or sign in to your account. This extra confirmation by phone helps keep spammers from abusing our systems.
Why is Google Play asking for my ID?
Google uses this information to verify your identity, and to protect you and us from fraud and abuse.
To access age-restricted content or services, we may ask to confirm your age with a valid government ID, or a valid credit card. Verify your age. Use an ID for ...
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Oct 21, 2023 · Google may ask you to verify your account for security reasons, especially if it detects unusual activity. Regardless of whether you want to ...
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In google workspace, all of our email addresses are set to "All users in this group or org unit are 18 or older". There is no Birthdate option for the business ...
Apr 4, 2022 · From my tests it looks that it is connected with using Google Workspace account as tester, when I use regular gmail account it does not show ...
Sep 24, 2023 · If you're older than 13, you'll need a credit card or a government-issued ID to verify your age. Otherwise, you'll lose access to your Gmail, ...
Applying for a REAL ID requires proof of identity ... The TSA does not require anyone under the age of 18 to provide identification when traveling with a ...